main features of java programming language

What are the main features of java programming language?

What are the main features of java programming language?Java has the following features:-Object-Oriented:-Java is a pure object-oriented programming language, that is, procedures are...
Difference Between C++ and Java

Difference Between C++ and Java

Hello Friends! How are you? Welcome again to Friends, I told in the previous post about the features of Java but in today's...
what is class in java

what is a class in java? |Class and Object in Java

what is a class in java?Hello friends! In today's post, we will read in detail about Classes and Objects in Java (What is Class...
difference between abstraction and encapsulation in java

Distinguish between abstraction and encapsulation| difference between abstraction and encapsulation in Java

difference between abstraction and encapsulation in JavaAbstractionEncapsulationIt separates Interface and Implementation.It groups together related concepts into one item.It provides access to a specific part...
history of JAVA in a tabular form

History of Java | History of JAVA in a tabular form.

History of javaSeveral versions of Java exist today ever since Sum Microsystems released the first version of Java i.e. JAVA 1.0. This was followed...
Difference between C++ and Java2

Difference between C++ and Java2 |give the advantages of java over c++.

Difference between C++ and Java2No.C++Java21.Call through the java Native interface and recently java Native Access.No backward compatibility with any previous languages. But the syntax...
What is programming paradigm

What is Paradigms in java(programming paradigm)

Hello friends!In today's post, we will learn about the paradigm in java, in the explain post, what is it. How any programming language follows...
java language syllabus

Java language syllabus(history of Java language)

In this post, we will know when Java language was created and where and how to use it and let us know how much...
How to find the ASCII value of a character in Java?

ASCII value of an in Java

ASCII value of an in-JavaWelcome to the exciting world of ASCII value in Java – where numbers meet characters and the possibilities are endless!If...
difference between structured and object oriented programming in java

difference between structured and object oriented programming in java

difference between structured and object oriented programming in java.Structured ProgrammingObject-Oriented ProgrammingTop-down approach is followed.Bottom-up approach is followed. The main focus is on algorithm and...