difference between structured and object oriented programming in java

difference between structured and object oriented programming in java

difference between structured and object oriented programming in java.

Structured ProgrammingObject-Oriented Programming
Top-down approach is followed.Bottom-up approach is followed.
The main focus is on algorithm and control flow.The main focus is on object and classes.
A program is divided into a number of sub-modules or functions or procedures.A program is organized by having a number of classes and objects.
Functions are independent of each other.Each class is related in a hierarchical manner.
It views data and functions as two separate entities.It views data and functions as a single entity.
Software reuse is not possible.Software reuse is possible.
Functions call is used.Message passing is used.
Data-driven technique is used.It is driven by delegation of responsibilities.
Algorithm is given importance.Data is given more importance.
No encapsulation–data and functions are separate.Encapsulation is done here and it treats code and data as a single unit called as a class.
Function abstraction is used.Data abstraction is used.
Costlier maintenance.Cheaper maintenance.

Difference between abstraction and encapsulation in java

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