Structured Programming | Object-Oriented Programming |
Top-down approach is followed. | Bottom-up approach is followed. |
The main focus is on algorithm and control flow. | The main focus is on object and classes. |
A program is divided into a number of sub-modules or functions or procedures. | A program is organized by having a number of classes and objects. |
Functions are independent of each other. | Each class is related in a hierarchical manner. |
It views data and functions as two separate entities. | It views data and functions as a single entity. |
Software reuse is not possible. | Software reuse is possible. |
Functions call is used. | Message passing is used. |
Data-driven technique is used. | It is driven by delegation of responsibilities. |
Algorithm is given importance. | Data is given more importance. |
No encapsulation–data and functions are separate. | Encapsulation is done here and it treats code and data as a single unit called as a class. |
Function abstraction is used. | Data abstraction is used. |
Costlier maintenance. | Cheaper maintenance. |