Home Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing

This Website CLOUD COMPUTING has been written strictly accordance with the Latest Syllabus and Latest Pattern Prescribed by R.G.P.V. Bhopal.

This Subject is very wide and rather difficult for the students to collect suitable material for the Preparation of the subject from various numbers of books. An attempt has been made by us to provide the complete syllabus in a Sirfpadhai.in
The Engineers of the Letest Century are supposed to be more diversified in their knowledge. They are expected to be highly versatile in their compatibility.
By Keeping this view in our mind, We have prepared this Content to Make Engineering easy for students with easy language, which makes the subject more interesting.

explain the of iaas paas saas in cloud computing

What is IaaS PaaS SaaS in Cloud Computing

What is IaaS PaaS SaaS in Cloud ComputingInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)The infrastructure service layer was based on virtualization technology and provides the basic...
Discuss some applications of SaaS solutions.

Software as a service (SaaS) in cloud computing

Software as a service (SaaS) in cloud computingSoftware as a service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model that delivers applications over the Internet. This...
Service Implementation Description Layer

WSDL in cloud computing – Sirfpadhai

WSDL in cloud computingWSDL (Web Services Description Languages) prove to play an important part in the cloud computing environment since they specify the interfaces...
RESTful Web services in cloud computing

RESTful Web services in cloud computing

Write short notes on RESTful Web services.A major inspiration for RESTful Web services has been REST. This is clearly evident from the name itself....
simple object access protocol (SOAP) in cloud computing

simple object access protocol (SOAP) in cloud computing

simple object access protocol (SOAP)Welcome to the world of SOAP in cloud computing—a protocol that sounds like it could've starred in a bubbly sitcom!...
Web services architecture, conceptual layers in cloud computing.

Web services architecture: conceptual layers in cloud computing.

Web service architectureIn a Web service architecture, a service description covers all the necessary details to grant the service interaction, including messages' format, transport...
Explain the design of cloud computing framework model based on the SOA.

cloud computing framework model based on the SOA.

Explain the design of cloud computing framework model based on the SOA.The emergence of SOA has effectively solved the problem of information isolated in...
What is SOA(service-oriented architecture)

What is SOA(service-oriented architecture)

Define SOA. What are its benefits?A service-oriented architecture (SOA) service exposes a clearly defined activity like credit card validation to consuming business applications that...

restful api vs soap – Sirfpadhai

restful api vs soapAspectRESTful APISOAPStands forRepresentational State TransferSimple Object Access ProtocolArchitectural StyleStateless, web-based architectureProtocol-based, with strict standardsTransport ProtocolPrimarily uses HTTPCan use multiple protocols like...
What are Web services? components of web services?

What are Web services? components of web services?

What are Web services?A Web service is a software component that is independent of the implementation and platform. It is a standardized way of...