Cloud Computing

This Website CLOUD COMPUTING has been written strictly accordance with the Latest Syllabus and Latest Pattern Prescribed by R.G.P.V. Bhopal.

This Subject is very wide and rather difficult for the students to collect suitable material for the Preparation of the subject from various numbers of books. An attempt has been made by us to provide the complete syllabus in a
The Engineers of the Letest Century are supposed to be more diversified in their knowledge. They are expected to be highly versatile in their compatibility.
By Keeping this view in our mind, We have prepared this Content to Make Engineering easy for students with easy language, which makes the subject more interesting.

Explain the different cloud service requirements.

Explain the different cloud service requirements.

Explain the different cloud service requirements.Major cloud services requirements are as follows -(i) Security -The resource pooling characteristics of computing permit users to dynamically share physical and...